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Doctoral Programs


ECEI’s Doctoral Diploma Degrees in Specified Ecclesiastical Dogma
Required Subjects:
Soteriology This course is a systematic study of the doctrine of salvation from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.
Anthropology This course is a systematic study of mankind from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.
Christology This course is a systematic study of the person and work of Christ from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.
Pneumatology This course is a systematic study of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective. 
Ecclesiology This course is a systematic study of the Church of Jesus Christ from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.
Theology This course is an in-depth study of the doctrine of God in Oneness Pentecostal theology. 
Exodus This course reviews the 2nd Book of Moses, which records the Israelites' deliverance from slavery in Egypt, the giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai, the  Tabernacle in the Wilderness, and much more.
Feast Days & Offerings This course is a systematic study of the  feast days and offerings outlined in the Book of Leviticus. 
Personal Evangelism This course emphasizes the biblical commandment  for every Christian to communicate the  gospel by personal witnessing. Various types and methods of evangelism are explored.
Church History A review of history from 33 AD (the day of Pentecost) to the present from an apostolic perspective with evidence that the apostolic doctrine has persisted through progressive world changes.
Eschatology Introduces the student to the theological doctrines of last things: death, immortality, resurrection, judgment, and the end of the world.  The course also looks at  the Tribulation,  Armageddon, the Second Advent of Christ, the Millennium, the New Jerusalem, and the eternal state.
Christian Leadership A course that covers a study of leadership responsibilities and qualities. This course will cover the leaders motives, attitudes, character, qualities and skills necessary to be successful in the ministry.
Ministerial Development This course is designed to prepare students for Christian service within the church and in their local communities. Topics covered include the minister’s qualifications, calling, family relationships, personal life, and much more. 
Homiletics A thorough study of the preparation and delivery of sermons. Basic principles of persuasive speaking are integrated with considerations unique to inspired expository preaching.
Apologetics The student will learn to defend Apostolic doctrine against false religions and teachings, such as: predestination, Jehovah witness, Mormonism, unconditional eternal security, Seventh Day Adventism, evolution, Eastern religions and others.
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